Posts filed under: Uncategorized

“Gives St Luke’s a try” says Maddie, Imran and Leo

Like so many folks do when they move to a new town, we had done the rounds of the local churches before we came upon the parish that was right for us. We had never really felt a strong enough... Read More

Summer picnic at the church

St Luke’s Church will be organising a summer picnic at the grounds of the church on 29/8/2022 at 12 noon. Do bring along some food to share with all. There will be lots of wonderful games and of course a... Read More

A brand new look for St Luke’s Church

Maecenas faucibus eleifend sollicitudin. Nam malesuada risus a sem congue, et sodales augue porta. Etiam non vulputate arcu, vel interdum libero. Vivamus elementum id sapien sit amet eleifend. Sed convallis tempor laoreet. Nunc nec aliquam orci. Praesent ipsum mi, auctor... Read More