Like so many folks do when they move to a new town, we had done the rounds of the local churches before we came upon the parish that was right for us. We had never really felt a strong enough connection or that any of these communities spoke to us – both as individuals and as a couple – in the way we felt St Luke’s did when we decided to give Sunday Communion there a go one weekend. Having recently moved away from London and our church family there, we weren’t sure if we would discover quite the same balance and close knit sense of community as we had found in the old borough. With one of us having been raised as Catholic and the other having only recently been formally initiated into the Church of England a few years prior, we knew it might take some time to find the parish that was right for us, given our slightly different upbringings. But we could see St Luke’s as the kind of community where everyone treats you like family, a community in which we might raise a family of our own. And so, almost three years later we find ourselves waking up on a Sunday morning (this time with a little tyke!) still looking forward to another message from Fr Patrick, a message that we know will bear relevance to this day and age, and catching up with people we consider to be like old friends. Though there are many paths to faith we have found a common home in St Luke’s – everyone is so very friendly, faithful and warm. We’d encourage anyone ‘on the fence’ to try us out!